Child Protection Program Overview
Little League Baseball, Incorporated (“LLB”) and District 70 require each of its local leagues to annually conduct a nationwide background check in conjunction with the submission of a Little League Volunteer Application for all managers, coaches, board members, and any other persons, volunteers and/or hired workers who provide regular services to a local league or who have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams. Those background checks include; state and federal criminal history information at the time of the background check, however they do not include any subsequent arrest notification for those individuals after the initial check. Background checks for District 70 Leagues are performed through Little League Baseballs partner JDP.
Click Here for more information on Little Leagues Child Protection Program
Click Here for more information on Little Leagues Background Checks and here for JDP Background Check FAQ
Click Here for the U.S. Department of Justice National Sex Offender Public Website FAQ's
Background Checks
There are 2 types of background checks required in California:
(1) All Little League volunteers, including administrators, coaches, umpires, and league volunteers (concessions, team parent, etc.) must complete an ANNUAL background check, as required by Little League (*see below). Most leagues in District 70 use J.D. Palatine (JDP) for these background checks.
(2) The State of California, via California Assembly Bill 506, requires Live Scan fingerprinting background checks for volunteers who are 18 years of age or older and are administrators of a youth sports organization (e.g. board members) and/or who spend 16 or more hours per month or 32 hours per year in direct contact with or supervision of children (this would include managers and coaches). Live Scan does not need to be repeated annually, however, please refer to your local league's background check policy for details regarding if and when Live Scan would need to be repeated.
NOTE: All local leagues should have a background check policy that clearly states the league's procedures for reviewing background check results, taking action on red flags, and managing Live Scan reports.
*Little League International requires all leagues and districts in the United States to conduct an annual background check, including a nationwide criminal search and a search of the National Sex Offender Registry. Little League's preferred provider, J.D Palatine, has a Criminal File database that contains more than 600 million records, including criminal and sex offender registry records covering 50 states and the District of Columbia, meeting the current Little League Regulation 1(c) 8 & 9 requirement.
Little League Required Safety Training Sessions
Concussion Protocol For Manager/Coaches: (Required Once)
1.(a) California law requires that all coaches and administrators must complete an online concussion training at least once before supervising youth athletes; a certificate from a prior season is valid for this season. It takes only about 30 minutes to complete the training. Please save and carry the certificates for all your coaches in your binder.
Concussion Protocol For Player and Parents/Guardian: (Required Once)
2.(b) A concussion and head injury information sheet must be signed by
both the athlete and a parent/guardian before the athlete initiates practice or competition. An existing form from this spring may be used if it’s available. The signed sheet must be carried with the player’s medical release and code of conduct form.
The Concussion Information Sheet is at: Concussion Information Sheet (
Abuse Awareness Protocol For Manager/Coaches:: (Required Once)
1. (a) All managers and coaches must complete the Abuse Awareness training provided by USA Baseball and SafeSport. The managers and coaches must carry documentation that the course has been completed.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Protocol For Manager/Coaches: (Required Once)
AB379 now requires the same protocols used for concussions in youth and high school sports to be used to help protect young athletes participating in school and community youth sports organizations from sudden cardiac arrest—the #1 killer of young athletes. Community youth sports organizations include an organization, business, nonprofit entity, or a local governmental agency that sponsors or conducts amateur sports competitions, training, camps, or clubs in which persons 17 years of age or younger participate. The online Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Training is at:
SCA Prevention Training Registration -
the course is free